1 to 1 FOOD Coaching



Get Energy; Lose Fat; Live Fabulously


If you care about your health and are feeling any of these: 

  • exhausted

  • skin problems

  • dread of swimwear

  • overwhelmed eating out

  • confused or STRESSED about what to eat and when

  • frustrated about 'falling off the wagon' again and again

  • like you're eating healthy but not getting results

You're invited to join my 12 Week VIP Food Coaching program for smart sustainable Fat Loss  


I'm a private Nutrition, Fitness & Pilates coach (and long ago management consultant) who has helped clients: 

  • lose 40+lbs

  • receive standing ovations from family members impressed by their transformation

  • STUN their doctors by getting off of medications and improving blood chemistry

  • end potato chip cravings (and binges)

  • fit into pants from 20yrs ago (no style judgement!)

  • sit down without feeling a stomach rolls emerge

  • boost energy to wake up feeling excited for the day

  • STILL enjoy eating decadent foods, work, travel, and socializing without alienation due to strict dietary restrictions

Global Food Coach

$1980 12 week Transform

$3800 6 month Revolution

$7300 12 month Ultimate Wellness

Feeling crazy around food?  Always ON and OFF the wagon?  You're exercising but not getting the results you want? 

Feel years younger, strong, and svelte.  WITHOUT restrictive eating.  WITH a focus on mindfulness and habits for LIFE.  Kill the food obsession, End the guilt, and Get balance.

No strict rules, no crazy calorie counting, no starvation.  Real support and real food you love. 

Clarify and define your goals, eat your way to a body you love, and get the support to actually change and maintain your behaviors!  Dive deep into your psychology and change your habits for life.

Includes weekly check ins, ongoing online tracking, nutrition education.  We define & chart your goals, how to tackle them behaviorally, and track metrics to measure progress.

Expert SUPPORT and individual ACCOUNTABILITY are key to ENHANCED progress and results.  Kimber helps you cut through the sea of nutrition fads and nonsense that has you fascinated by turmeric lattes and MCT oil to get the BIG PICTURE important things DOWN. If you’ve gone in circles or stalled out before it’s time to knock out barriers that are in the way of Feeling and Looking and Living much better.  

So How will this program work? 

The kick off entails:

1. Three (or more) Day Food Journal via MyFitnessPal.com to record your baseline eating

2.Online Intake form to Clarify what's bothering you, where you struggle currently and where you would like to be (GOALS)

3.Initial 30-45min call with Kimber to discuss your food journal & questions about the program

Next up you'll receive:

4) Customized Recommendations (including specific macronutrient targets tailored to your activity and body type and goals) 

5) Nutrition Education, Problem Solving, BIG WIN identification, Barrier Breakdown, Behavior Change help, & Personal Feedback  --- This will come in the form of Online content & Weekly Group Coaching calls

6) Re-assessments of Goals and Progress & Adjustments to Targets

We emphasize BABY STEPS, MINDSET, and ACCOUNTABILITY to get you to your goals.

This program covers WHAT to do to reach your Health goals - but really that's the easy part. I know you can choose one of dozens of diets and if you follow it you'll see results - the problem is that it's often short lived - not to mention a frustrating and isolating experience.  I've seen my private clients get stuck with the HOW and the SUPPORT elements.  I am committed to supporting you with Smart Specific Practical advice and actionable steps that will work in YOUR life to let you feel (and look) awesome DAILY for the long haul.

A little about Kimber:   After earning degrees from the Wharton School and Penn Engineering she went down the typical path of a corporate job but soon found her physical and mental health was a wreck (honestly it was a wreck through half of college too and pursuing 2 degrees and dancing 20hrs a week did not help things).  She was taking over 7 different medications, feeling (and looking) fat, eating bagels (yes plural) daily, and surviving on little sleep.   A long circuitous path took Kimber from consulting and finance to serving others seeking better health through fitness and food.  Kimber lived in Hong Kong for several years but considers NYC her favorite home base.  

The content of this program comes from research based principles from such systems as Precision Nutrition (Kimber's Food coaching certification), leading edge Doctors such as Mark Hyman MD, and Judith Beck PhD. 

This program is NOT suitable if you: 

  • Currently do ZERO physical activity/have never attempted to exercise

  • Are in the midst of a severe eating disorder (though Kimber does work with eating disorder clients who are medically supervised)

  • Are unwilling to put in effort toward behavior change

  • Are an athlete looking to get the last 2% refinement in your nutrition

  • Will experience major financial burden due to the investment in your health

  • Can't spare 1-2 hours/week for coaching calls, food tracking & writing